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Spring onion Clams curry!

Clams are eaten more in the coastal regions of India, especially in the Konkan, Kerala,Bengal and Karnataka regions.
In the south western coast of India, also known as the Konkan region, Clams are used to cook curries and side dishes, like Tisaryachi Ekshipi, which is clams with one shell on. I have prepared one of the Konkani recipe:spring onions clams curry!

For curry:serves 4
4-5 sticks of spring onions
Cleaned Clams
1 spoon of coconut oil
1/2 cup Grated coconut
5-6red chillies( according to taste)
Lemon size tamarind pulp
1/2 spoon turmeric
1/2 sliced onion
1 whole spoon of coriander seeds
Salt to taste

Method of preparation:
Clean the clams set it aside.
In a pan add coconut oil, white part of spring onions and sauté it, add cleaned clams to it and cover it with lid for a min.
Add the masala and bring it to boil for a while.
add green part of  spring onion , salt . Cook till it is done.
Serve hot with rice or bakri!


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